ACS RPL Sample for Network Administrator ANZSCO 263112

ACS RPL Sample for Network Administrator
The provided ACS RPL Report Sample was prepared by our professional writers who have been writing ACS RPL for many years. They followed the guidelines from the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and have already been positively assessed. You can freely download the desired ACS RPL samples and use them for reference purpose. It helps you prepare a successful RPL report on your own. In this report sample for Network Administrator, there are two sections that all applicants must complete.: The Key Areas of Knowledge and The Project Report Forms.
  • Key Areas of Knowledge:

    The applicants must describe and explain the relationship between the selected area of knowledge and their learning from their experience and qualifications. In this section, the applicants should be able to show or explain how and where they acquired the knowledge.

  • Project Report Forms:

    A project report is a written description of a project or engagement that provides you with the opportunity to show how you perform as an ICT professional. Each report is to relate to a significant project or work episode undertaken by you during your professional career.

    NOTE: The candidates are required to provide two project reports. In two reports, one must pertain to a project undertaken within the last three years, and the other for a project over the previous five years.
The sample project reports for Network Administrator are:
  • RPL Report Sample for Network Administrator – 1: “Monitor and manage all communication and resolve networking problems at Event Tech.”
  • RPL Report Sample for Network Administrator – 2: “Analyze and identify all technical problems in South Technologies Ltd.”

RPL Report Sample for Network Administrator – 1

Project name: “Monitor and manage all communication and resolve networking problems at Event Tech.” The project of our client is described while he/she was working on “Monitor and manage all communication and resolve networking problems at Event Tech.”The roles and responsibilities that the client had to follow during this project were:
  • Assess a company or organization’s network and computer system needs.
  • Install hardware and software and make upgrades and repairs as needed.
  • Provide technical oversight of a multi-site enterprise level WAN, including planning, implementation/expansion, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
  • Create the documentation of network configurations and cabling layouts for reference
  • Analyze and monitor the wireless infrastructure and supporting systems.

RPL Report Sample for Network Administrator – 2

Project name: “Analyze and identify all technical problems in South Technologies Ltd.” The project of our client while he/she was working on “Analyze and identify all technical problems in South Technologies Ltd..”The roles and responsibilities that the client had to follow during this project were:
  • Implement patches and fixes to address potential security holes and monitor server security.
  • Provide training to help all users also analyze and identify all technical problems and provide consultation
  • Provide technical support also assist users and provide PC, laptop, printer, and network break support.
  • Ensure compliance with all IT standard practices for jobs and analyze IT network systems.
  • Provide technical support and monitor all medium to standard professional programs for the same.