ACS RPL Sample for ICT Trainer ANZSCO 223211

ACS RPL Sample for ICT Trainer

The provided ACS RPL Report Sample was prepared by our professional writers who have been writing ACS RPL for many years. They followed the guidelines from the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and have already been positively assessed. You can freely download the desired ACS RPL samples and use it for the reference purpose. It helps you prepare a successful RPL report on your own.

In this report sample for ICT Trainer, there are two sections that all applicants must complete.: The Key Areas of Knowledge and The Project Report Forms.

  • Key Areas of Knowledge:

    The applicants must describe and explain the relationship between the selected area of knowledge and their learning from their experience and qualifications. In this section, the applicants should be able to show or explain how and where they acquired the knowledge.

Project Report Forms:

A project report is a written description of a project or engagement that provides you with the opportunity to show how you perform as an ICT professional. Each story is to relate to a significant project or work episode undertaken by you during your professional career.

NOTE: You are required to provide two project reports. In two reports, one must pertain to a project undertaken within the last three years, and the other for a project over the previous five years.

The sample project reports for ICT Trainer are:

  • RPL Report Sample for ICT Trainer – 1: “Monitor and facilitate in all training programs at Silicon Software Inc.”
  • RPL Report Sample for ICT Trainer – 2: “Training and Development Program at Hazard Technology plc.”

RPL Report Sample for ICT Trainer – 1

Project name: “Monitor and facilitate in all training programs at Silicon Software Inc.”

The project of our client is described while he/she was working on “Monitor and facilitate in all training programs at Silicon Software Inc.”. The roles and responsibilities that the client had to follow during this project were:

  • Provide effective training to the staff for all company demands and provide program status for all employees
  • Prepare all courses according to the required timeframe and develop effective relationships with all departments to prepare all course materials.
  • Recommend changes to ensure cost-efficiency of all processes and analyse all processes.
  • Implement all training programs for all IT processes and provide training to all employees and design all online site courses.
  • Analyse all delivery issues and mitigate all risks and facilitate in all training programs for classroom teaching and provide cross-function resolutions to improve course curriculum.

RPL Report Sample for ICT Trainer – 2

Project name: “Training and Development Program at Hazard Technology plc.”

The project of our client is described while he/she was working on “Training and Development Program at Hazard Technology plc”. The roles and responsibilities that the client had to follow during this project were:

  • Develop appropriate strategies to improve all programs and analyse all training requirements
  • Provide required training for same and design all curriculum courses for all demonstrations also analyse all software releases
  • Provide training to all groups and front line employees and organise various training sessions for all new employees and provide tests to monitor the effectiveness of all training programs.
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of all training programs and maintain records of all resource allocation