ICT security specialists focus on protecting an organization’s data. They develop safe electronic storage for data, ensure that data transactions are monitored, and monitor networks for security breaches. They also assist in developing secure mobile access so that information can be safely accessed remotely via mobile devices. They create policies about how staff may transmit company information using tools such as USB drives or external online data services. They are responsible for designing, testing, implementing, and monitoring security measures for the company’s systems. They provide training to related employees in security awareness, protocols, and procedures. They design and conduct security audits to ensure operational security.
Date: 19/05/2018
To whomsoever it may concern
This is to certify that Frank Ginger was working with Micro Inc. at Keilaranta, Espoo, Finland as a Full-Time employee from Dec 1, 2006, to May 10, 2018, as an ICT Security Specialist.
His Roles and responsibilities are as follows.
ICT related roles and responsibilities
Managerial related roles and responsibilities
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Brandon,
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