ACS Reference Letter Sample for ICT Managers (nec)

ACS Reference Letter Sample for ICT Managers (nec)

The ICT manager ensure the smooth operation of the ICT department and network connection of organization. They also involve in planning, directing, coordinating and designing ICT-related activities, as well as provide administrative direction and support for daily operational activities of the ICT department.Their main goal is to maintain the information system security by creating plans and procedures of security measures. Their role is to maintain and manage overall information systems. They also identify and manage the resources and requirements needed in the project.

Tasks of a ICT Managers (nec)

  • analyzing information needs and specifying technology to meet those needs
  • formulating and directing information and communication technology (ICT) strategies, policies and plans
  • directing the selection and installation of ICT resources and the provision of user training
  • directing ICT operations and setting priorities between system developments, maintenance and operations
  • overseeing the security of ICT systems

Employment Reference Letter Sample (Text Version)

Date: 30/08/2017

To whomsoever it may concern

This is to certify that Leslie Peiz was working with Indent Tech at Newyork, USA as a Full-Time employee since Jun 19, 2011 to Aug 8, 2017 as an ICT Manager.

Her Roles and responsibilities are as follows.

ICT related roles and responsibilities

  • Supervises monitor and maintain the computing needs of a company.
  • Designing and coordinating with all the activities related to ICT
  • Administrating, directing and providing support in day to day operational activities of the ICT department
  • Inspecting information needs and specifying technology to meet those needs
  • Directing IT related operations and setting priorities between system developments, maintenance and operations overseeing the security of ICT systems

Managerial related roles and responsibilities

  • Planning and preparing information and communication technology (ICT) strategies, policies and plans
  • Providing coaching to employees, selecting and hiring IT team and providing them correct feedback
  • Conducting system audits and assessing the outcomes
  • Identifying and correcting the weaknesses in the projects
  • Establishing backup resources, contingency plans and setting the delays
  • Researching and keeping update of new IT equipment and solutions

Sincerely yours,

Mr Justin,
