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Employment Reference Letter for ACS RPL Report

Employment Reference Letter for ACS RPL Report

Candidates without an ICT degree or with insufficient ICT training must submit an RPL report to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) along with a letter of an employment reference letter in order to demonstrate their competency in accordance with the ACS standard and receive a positive result on the ACS Skills Assessment.

Based on candidates’ knowledge, competence, and job experience, ACS conducts skills assessments. It serves as evidence of the candidate’s expertise and work experience in the field of employment suggested. It is regarded as qualified for an ACS RPL application if it includes a thorough work history that spans at least seven years in the nominated occupation.

Things to consider while you draft the employment reference letter. The employment reference letter includes all the details about your academic qualifications, work experiences, skills, and capabilities. When an applicant submits their RPL report, they have to include their employment reference letter. The ACS society will review your RPL report based on your employment history and the experiences you have gained. Work experience must be at an expert ICT level and applicable to the designated occupation to be surveyed as appropriate for migration skills assessment.

Rules for Writing Employment Reference Letter

  • Specific dates in a DD/MM/YYYY format for the total duration of the employment.
  • Position in the specified field of employment
  • Duties performed during the employment
  • Previously played roles and responsibilities should be specified– if applicable
  • Working hours – Full time/Part-time and actual hours worked per week
  • Specify the country employment was undertaken
  • Organization Letterhead marked by the approved individual ( (digital signatures acceptable and must be verifiable)

Here are a few things to consider as you write your employment reference letter:
3 Tips to Prepare Employment reference letter for ACS RPL report

Write The Best Job Description

Well, believe it or not, the secret to success is creating unique content that does not have plagiarism. Don’t try to mislead ACS; only write about actual work experiences. Don’t choose content from the online samples either. According to the ANZSCO code, everything about the job experience you discuss in your essay must be professional and pertinent to the chosen profession. Do not forget to include the start and finish dates for each employee in the format of DD/MM/YY when composing your employment reference letter. Include the date the reference was written and, if you are currently employed, indicate that you are employed “To Date.” Follow the criteria to the letter and include the number of hours worked.

Sufficient Work Experience

You must have enough work experience before submitting an application for the ACS skills assessment since ACS has specified a minimum amount of work experience that applicants must have in order to be considered for the exam. Only employment experience that occurred after the skill level criterion was met up until that moment qualifies as skilled employment and earns migration points. Remember to include a thorough description of all of your jobs, responsibilities, and skill sets when providing an employment reference. It must draw attention to all of your assets and strong points.

Valid Signatures

Your employer or a representative designated by your company must sign or attest to the accuracy of the job reference letter you submit. It is necessary to include information like the name and position of the person making the referral.

Learn More: Reasons for Migrating to Australia as an ICT Professions 📑 🛩 🛬

What to Include in Employment Reference for ACS RPL Sample?

Date of Employment

Candidates are required to list their start and end dates for work. The date should be written using the specified format of DD/MM/YYY.

Position of Job

Candidates are required to identify the job title they were given. In your reference letter, you must also provide information about your supervisors.

Roles and Responsibilities

A complete list of all the tasks you completed while working there is required. This should demonstrate your individual efforts and your level of education to date.

Specify the Workhours

Regardless of whether you worked a full- or part-time schedule, you must state exactly how many hours you put in each week throughout each employment period.

Country of Employment

Make sure you have noted down the location where the work was performed. You must include organization letterhead that has been signed by an official representative.

  • Australian Employment
  • Outside Australian Employment

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Scenarios for Unacceptable Work Experience

Concurrent Employment

If the candidates perform one employment period simultaneously as another employment episode, then only one event of employment can be acknowledged at any one time.

Not Closely Related to the Nominated ANZSCO

In light of the data given in the documentation, the duties listed have been surveyed as not being firmly identified with the designated occupation.

Not Assessable due to Insufficient Documentation

The documentation provided doesn’t meet the necessities according to the skills assessment guidelines or isn’t adequate to meet the assessment criteria.

Not Assessable due to Insufficient Detail

The documentation provided does not contain appropriate information for us to make an assessment.

What can be Possible Reasons for ACS RPL Employment Reference Letter Rejection?

The Australian Computer Society verifies RPL reports and RPL reference letters to evaluate candidates’ skills. The importance of work experience in determining the approval outcome here cannot be overstated. By comparing your experience to the reference letter, ACS verifies it. It follows that the reference letter and RPL report must be consistent. If those don’t line up, they will simply be rejected. If you are having trouble preparing your RPL report then contact us. ACSRPLReport provides the best RPL report writing services at an affordable price.

There are also instances where candidates receive a favorable evaluation in the RPL project report but are turned down for a reference letter. The following are some explanations for reference letters being disregarded:

Unclear Dates

No clear indication of start and end dates will lead to rejection.

Lack of Proper Job Description

The reference letter’s responsibilities and obligations must line up with the specifications of the ANZSCO-nominated occupation. Therefore, 65% of the duties must be the same, otherwise, the letter would be rejected for being “unsuitable owing to lack of information.”

Plagiarism and Fake Information

Both your reference letter and RPL report must be entirely unique. Any scenario that has been copied will be rejected. Additionally, the ACS will verify your information, thus providing false information will automatically result in rejection.

Learn More: Free ACS RPL Report Sample for ICT Professionals 📝 ☑️


Want to write employment reference letters that stand out? Are you considering writing your own RPL reference letter? If so, you are on the right track. All the information needed to prepare a reference letter for ACS RPL reports is available here. You can also get the employment reference letter sample from us.  The Australian Computer Society requires applicants who lack an ICT degree or appropriate ICT credentials to submit their RPL report along with an Employment reference letter for ACS RPL.

The candidate’s skills are evaluated by ACS based on their qualifications and professional background. Therefore, candidates who ordinarily wouldn’t meet the ICT requirements criteria might have their skills and abilities evaluated by the RPL reports under the ACS migration skill assessment. We provide you with the best employment reference letter based on your work experience. Contact us today if you want professional help to prepare ACS RPL report.